A month ago we decided to submit a paper for publishing in the Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials from Emerald Group Publishing. I don’t know if it was just a sad coincidence or this is a very weird policy of this journal, but I can now boast of the acquiring of the most negative experience of paper submission in my life.
We read all the details of the instructions for authors, made lots of work for the adaptation of the paper to the rules and formats of the journal and on Aug., 28, 2014 submitted the manuscript on the web-page of the online submission. A couple of minutes later I received an e-mail with the confirmation of the submission. Very similarly to what happens when someone submits something to any other journal.
After two weeks had passed and there was no reaction from the editor, I started to get worried and sent an e-mail to the editor with a very humble reminding of our existence and even humbler request to let me know what was happening. Since that day I could keep waiting for two things: any changes in the status of our submission and any reply to my e-mail to the editor. In both cases I received nothing.
Today it is exactly one month since we submitted the manuscript, which is now one month older or one month less actual. All I can see on the site of the journal is as follows:

In some minutes I will cancel the submission and will start to prepare the manuscript to another journal requirements. Very much regretful, very much annoying, very little understandable. If you want to hear my recommendations about the journal ‘Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials’ from Emerald Group Publishing, I could only recommend you to stay as far as you can from it.