
My Google Scholar Citations

Scientific Publications

  1. Alex Lugovskoy, Riki Paur-Afshari, and Richard H. Schultz ; Reaction of the Transient Species W(CO)5(Cyclohexane)with Cyclo-C4HnO (n = 4, 6, 8) Studied by Time-Resolved Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A; 2000; 104(45); 10587-10593.
  2. Alex Lugovskoy, A. Shagal, S. Lugovskoy, Ilan Huppert, and Richard H. Schultz; Reaction of the Transient Species W(CO)5(Cyclohexane) with Pyrrolidine and with Pyrrole, Organometallics 2003, 22, 2273-2278 2273
  3. M. Radune, D. Ophir, A. Lugovskoy, M. Zinigrad, D. Eliezer, “A Sulfur Diffusion Investigation in Metal and Oxide Phases”, Defects and Diffusion Forum Vols. 258-260 (2006) pp. 433-440.
  4. Lugovskoy A., Zinigrad M., Aurbach D. and Fishman A., “Study of electrochemical deposition of iron (II) ions on a solid tungsten electrode in chloride melts at 700-750oC” in “The Optimization of the Composition, Structure and Properties of Metals, Oxides, Composites, Nano- and Amorphous Materials”, pp. 84-91, Jerusalem, 2007.
  5. Lugovskoy S, Nisnevitch M, Lugovskoy A, Zinigrad M, Wolf D., “Mechanochemical Synthesis Of Salicylic Acidformaldehyde Co-Polymer Capable Of Binding Heavy Metal Ions”, The Fourth International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation of Materials Technologies MMT-2006, p. 4-158.
  6. E. Zinigrad, L. Larush-Asraf, G. Salitra, A. Lugovskoy, M. Sprecher, D. Aurbach, “On the Thermal Behavior of Li bis(oxalate)borate (LiBOB).” The 71st Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society, 2006, 217.
  7. K. Borodianskiy, A. Lugovskoy, V. Mazurovsky, M. Zinigrad, A. Gedanken “Modeling of the weld metal microstructure.” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Technology in Welding and Manufacturing, Kiev, Ukraine, 2006, 147-150.
  8. Alex Lugovskoy, Michael Zinigrad, Doron Aurbach and Zeev Unger, Electrodeposition of iron(II) on platinum in chloride melts at 700–750 °C, Electrochimica Acta 54 (6) 1904 (2009).
  9. Svetlana Lugovskoy, Marina Nisnevitch, Alex Lugovskoy and Michael Zinigrad, Mechanochemical synthesis of dispersed layer composites on the basis of talc and a series of biological active species, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, (DOI10.1007/s10098-008-0191-2, January 2009) 11(3) 277 (2009)
  10. Antsiferov V. N., Astashina N. B., Votinov G. N., Lugovskoy A., Rogozhniokov A. G., Kazakov S. V., Olshanski E. V., The possibilities of use of magnete fixators in orthopaedical treatment of jaw defects, Permskij meditsinskij Zhurnal, 4, 36-40 (2010) (In Russian)
  11. A. Lugovskoy, Z. Unger, M. Zinigrad, D. Aurbach, Anomalous Diffusion Coefficients for W(IV) Ion Diffusion in NaCl-KCl Melt at 700-750°C, Defect and Diffusion Forum 297-301 (2010) pp 1481-1486
  12. Lugovskoy A., Zinigrad M., Aurbach D. Electrochemical Determination of Diffusion Coefficients of Iron (II) Ions in Chloride Melts at 700-750oC, Israel Journal of Chemistry, 2010, 47 (3-4), pp. 409-414.
  13. Alexey Kossenko, Alex Lugovskoy and Michael Zinigrad, A mathematical model of powder components oxidation during thermal spray process, Israel Journal of Chemistry (2010) 47 (3-4) 265–421.
  14. Irena Rusonik, Haim Cohen, Alex Lugowskoy, Alexander Krasnopolski, Michael Zinigrad, Dan Meyerstein, The Effect of an Electrical Bias on the Mechanism of Decomposition of Transients with Metal-Carbon σ Bonds, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2010, 3252-3255 (DOI: 10.1002/ejic.201000398)
  15. Lugovskoy Alex, Unger Zeev, Zinigrad Michael, Aurbach Doron, “Zinc Ion Reduction on Solid Metal Electrodes in Chloride Melts” in “The Optimization of the Composition, Structure and Properties of Metals, Oxides, Composites, Nano- and Amorphous Materials”, pp. 104-117, Belokhurikha, 2010.
  16. Kazanski Barbara, Kossenko Alexei, Lugovskoy Alex and Zinigrad Michael,” Fluoride Influence on the Properties of Oxide Layer Produced by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation” Defect and Diffusion Forum, 326-328 (2012) pp 498-503, doi:10.4028/
  17. Kazanski Barbara, Kossenko Alexei, Lugovskoy Alex and Zinigrad Michael, ”Production of Ceramic Layers on Aluminum Alloys by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation in Alkaline Silicate Electrolytes”, in: Supplemental Proceedings TMS-2012 Vol.1, 65-71, Wiley and sons, 2012.
  18. Kazanski Barbara, Kossenko Alexei, Lugovskoy Alex and Zinigrad Michael,” The Influence of Fluoride Additives on the Properties of Oxide Layer Produced by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation” in “The Optimization of the Composition, Structure and Properties of Metals, Oxides, Composites, Nano- and Amorphous Materials”, pp. 57-67, Chernogolovka, 2012.
  19. A. Kossenko, B. Kazanski, S. Lugovskoy, N. Astashina, A. Lugovskoy, “Investigation of Hydroxyapatite on Ti–6Al–4V Alloy Prepared by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation and Thermal Treatment”, The Seventh International Conference on Material Technologies and Modeling MMT-2012, p. 1-295.
  20. Alex Lugovskoy, Michael Zinigrad, Aleksey Kossenko, Barbara Kazanski. Production of ceramic layers on aluminum alloys by plasma electrolytic oxidation in alkaline silicate electrolytes. Applied Surface Science (2013) 264, 743-747. DOI 10.1016/j.apsusc.2012.10.114
  21. Alex Lugovskoy and Michael Zinigrad, “Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation of Valve Metals” in “Materials Science – Advanced Topics”, Ed. Yitzhak Mastai, ISBN 978-953-51-1140-5, InTech 2013″
  22. Alex Lugovskoy, Michael Zinigrad, Aleksey Kossenko, Barbara Kazanski, Fluoride Ions as Modifiers of the Oxide Layer Produced by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation on AZ91D Magnesium Alloy, Applied Surface Science Applied Surface Science (2013) 287 461-466. DOI 10.1016/j.apsusc.2013.09.180
  23. A. Kossenko, S. Lugovskoy, N. Astashina, A. Lugovskoy, and M. Zinigrad, Effect of Time on the Formation of Hydroxyapatite in PEO Process with Hydrothermal Treatment of the Ti–6Al–4V Alloy, Glass Physics and Chemistry (2013), 39(6), 639–642.
  24. Alex Lugovskoy, Svetlana Lugovskoy, Production of Hydroxyapatite Layers on the Plasma Electrolytically Oxidized Surface of Titanium Alloys, Materials Science and Engineering C 43 (2014) 527–532, DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2014.07.030
  25. Ohad Gaon, Guy Dror, Omer Davidi, Alex Lugovskoy, The effect of the local microstructure of MRI 201S magnesium alloy on its corrosion rate, Corrosion Science, 93(2015), pp. 167-171, doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2015.01.018
  26. Ohad Gaon, Barbara Kazanski and Alex Lugovskoy, Corrosion behavior of MRI153M magnesium alloy in 3% NaCl solution, Solid State Phenomena 227 (2015) pp. 83-86, doi:10.4028/
  27. S. Lugovskoy, D. Weiss, U. Tsadok, A. Lugovskoy, Morphology and antimicrobial properties of hydroxyapatite – titanium oxide layers on the surface of Ti-6Al-4V alloy, Surface and Coatings Technology, 301 (2016) 80-84, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2015.11.050.
  28. Natalia Astashina, Alex Lugovskoy, Aleksey Kossenko, Svetlana Lugovskoy, Gennadi Rogozhnikov and Michael Zinigrad, Investigation of the Effectiveness of Dental Implant Osseointegration Characterized by Different Surface Types, Metals 2017, 7(6), 203; doi:10.3390/met7060203.
  29. Barbara Kazanski Traubin, Alex Lugovskoy, Michael Zinigrad, Corrosion Protection of MRI230D magnesium alloy by the Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation, Sixteenth Russian-Israeli Bi-National Workshop 2017 “The optimization of the composition, structure and properties of metals, oxides, composites, nano and amorphous materials,” 28 – 31 August, 2017, Ariel, Israel, ISBN 978-965-7632-16-1 pp. 196-202.
  30. Lyubov Snizhko and Alex Lugovskoy, Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Coatings on Aluminum Alloys: Kinetics and Formation Mechanism in Encyclopedia of Aluminum and Its Alloys, eds. George E. Totten, Murat Tiryakioglu, Olaf Kessler, Taylor & Francis, 2016, pp. 1903-1921, ISBN 1466510803, 9781466510807.
  31. Natalia Astashina, Alex Lugovskoy, Aleksey Kossenko, Svetlana Lugovskoy, Gennadi Rogozhnikov and Michael Zinigrad, Investigation of the Effectiveness of Dental Implant Osseointegration Characterized by Different Surface Types, Metals 2017, 7(6), 203; doi:10.3390/met7060203.
  32. Astashina N., Lugovskoy A., Kossenko A., Lugovskoy S., Zinigrad M., Nakonechny F. Analysis of Efficiency of Dental Implant Osseointe-Gration Characterized by Various Surface Types, MMT-2018, 20-24.08.2018 Ariel p. 5-18.
  33. Barbara Kazanski, Alex Lugovskoy, Michael Zinigrad. Effect of Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Treatment on Corrosion Behavior of AZ91D, AM50, AE42 and MRI230D Magnesium Alloys, MMT-2018, 20-24.08.2018 Ariel p. 2-20.
  34. Alex Lugovskoy, Tatiana Krovitsky, Chen Mor-Yossef. Electropolishing of Nitinol Wires and Its Influence on Corrosion Mechanisms, Journal of Physics: Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 358, Issue 5. Published 1 December 2019.
  35. Shailendra Rajput, Alex Lugovskoy, Moshe Averbukh, Asher Yahalom. Porous Metal-Oxide Based Electrostatic Energy Generator, November 2019 IEEE International Conference and Workshop in Óbuda on Electrical and Power Engineering (CANDO EPE 2019), Budapest, Hungary.
  36. Elinor Nahum, Svetlana Lugovskoy and Alex Lugovskoy. Production of Hydroxyapatite on the Surface of Ti6Al7Nb Alloy as Compared to Ti6Al4V Alloy. Submitted: March 8th 2020Reviewed: March 30th 2020. Published: May 6th 2020 DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.92314
  37. Elinor Zadkani Nahum, Svetlana Lugovskoy, Alex Lugovskoy, Barbara Kazanski, Alexander Sobolev. The study of Hydroxyapatite Growth Kinetics on CP – Ti and Ti65Zr treated by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation process, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Volume 24, May–June 2023, Pages 2169-2186, DOI 10.1016/j.jmrt.2023.03.128.
  38. Nahum, E.Z.; Lugovskoy, A.; Lugovskoy, S.; Sobolev, A. Synthesis of Titanium Oxide Nanotubes Loaded with Hydroxyapatite. Nanomaterials 2023, 13, 2743. DOI: 10.3390/nano13202743.
  39. Nahum, E.Z.; Lugovskoy, A.; Lugovskoy, S.; Sobolev, A. Surface Properties of Ti65Zr Alloy Modified with TiZr Oxide and Hydroxyapatite. Nanomaterials 2024, 14(1), 15; DOI: /10.3390/nano14010015

Research Grants

  1. 2018-2020 – Tnufa (Israel Innovation Authority) “Electrochemical Treatment of Sulfur-containing gases for the Production of Hydrogen” – A. Lugovskoy (PI) . 237,000 NIS
  2. 2011-2012 – Research Grant of Pierm Governor (Russian Federation) jointly with Perm Medical Academy – A. Lugovskoy (PI) Total: 41,259 USD
  3. 2011-2012 – Private research grant from ETV energy – A. Lugovskoy (PI), E. Hanukayev, “Treatment of Aluminum substrate current collector for high voltage cell” Total: 60,000 NIS
  4. 2007-2009 – Magneton (Ministry of Industry and Trade) – M. Zinigrad (PI), A. Krasnopolski, A. Kossenko, A. Lugovskoy, K. Borodianski, M, Remnik, A, Basov “Environmentally Friendly Coating Technology as an Alternative to the Electrolytic Hard Chrome Plating” Total: 356, 742 NIS
  5. 2006-2008 – Israel-Russia (Ministry of Science) – M. Zinigrad (PI), A. Kossenko, A. Lugovskoy, A. Krasnopolski “Obtaining Compact Nanomaterials Based on Transition Metal Oxides by Intensive Plastic Deformations, Investigating their Structure and Properties” 2007: $10,490 2008: $14,835 Total: $25,325
  6. 2006-2007 – Nofar (Ministry of Industry and Trade) – M. Zinigrad (PI), A. Krasnopolski, A. Kossenko, N. Litvak, A. Lugovskoy, K. Borodianski, S. Lugovskoy, M, Remnik, A, Basov, Z. Unger “Environmentally Friendly Coating Technology as an Alternative to the Electrolytic Hard Chrome Plating” Total: 418.218 NIS